Belgrade Fashion Week grand opening
On March 26th there was the grand opening of Belgrade Fashion Week that took place in Choomich and of course I was there to snap a few shots. I need to mention that on that day, before the opening ceremony, I was out for 7 hours chasing people on the street, so to say that in Choomich I was exhausted it’s a big understatement. Alright, enough whining, here’s my review from the grand opening (more stylish people to come).
Asok Murti – stylist and creator
Nenad Radujevic – organizer of Belgrade Fashion Week, president of Fashion Studio Click
Stylish attendees
od doticnih poznatih faca sam ocekivala vise…
poslednji par je super! :)
Asok uvek!:)
a sta radi butik sa kineskom garderobom Studio 13 u centru dizajn distrikta, da li je to kinesko=turska odevna kombinacija u trendu…Mislim da pored Verice Rakocevic, Pedje Nerica, Emilije Petrovic takvima ne da nije mesto nego…
Ali ovo nije ulicna moda, ovo je par bogatih Beogradjana, koji su se lepo obukli i dosli na odredjeni event; to nisu obicni ljudi na koje naletite na ulici.
Ova dama pored Neše Klika i može da prođe, ostali, slaba trojka :(
mladi par sa poslednje fotografije zaista izgleda savrseno, bravo